Monday, February 23, 2009

November Rain

Like the lyrics of guns'n'roses puts it: "it's so hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain." As we approach and plummet thru the horrendous November 08 lows, can we even find a shed of light to guide us out? AIG's at its maximum 79.9% Gov bailout (unable to legally take anymore Government money), Citi is rumored to be in talks of nationalization, the US carmakers STILL need more money even after their bobbled-headed nods n smiles convinced us otherwise, the financials rallied with no inkling of support from any other sector today (and it was only on the possssssssibility of nationalization which Obie's dog even barked it last on her list), Geithner has yet to speak about anything more than another outline and perhaps a Pizza party at the local Chucky Cheese where he plays Chucky's younger half-brother Marco, and we still have 2-3 of the toughest yrs of sub-prime crappage to wade through...Not to mention that we are still overleveraged compared to the total asset value that's available, we have a continually slowing velocity of money and we have no way of borrowing overseas with such an inflated dollar price to everybody else (also since we've already killed our interest rate AND we've over-extended ourselves in first place)...So now we've come up to either letting the contractionary period persist or print more (a buncha fat ppl more) cash to front load M1 and M2 and pray that the gov return brings the treasuries up for ppl who have literally thrown their money at T-bonds worth zilch when in actuality the velocity of money is only matchin the contraction from derivatives and thus has no "real" asset backing to ever increase the value of that money. But it's okay!!! We'll survive (NOT!)!! I feel like I'm ranting about the same shit! WTF?! Someone LISTEN TO ME!!!!! (I feel like a cow chewing the same cud over and over and over again cuz i got like 4 stomachs n none of them can digest the same shit...)

Step 1: STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!! ONLY RESCUE THE MOOOOOST NECESSARY = AIG (and supply a few banks like JPM, GS and a buncha regionals with enough cash to back all the deposits that will be flooooding in. This cash will be significantly less than actually saving all the shittttty banks like C, BAC, WFC, USB, etc from dying out)
Step 2: Make sure that future regulations and laws are in place to prevent fraud and illegitimate children deals that put us back into this predicament again
Step 3: Hire a SHITLOAD of ppl to work the bankruptcy offices (prolli a buncha those ppl who lost their jobs) -- I guess we can do some infrastructure too as long as we keep with the war AND infrastructure jobs are legitimate like.. building bridges or restoring railroads...not makin gov buildings prettier...
Step 4: FIRE anyone associated with the ridiculous models that existed in all of these god forsaken tootsie roll suckin owlz that just care to get to the middle of the lollipop without any fuckin rhyme or reason...
Step 5: Setup senior life support and a buncha ghetto fab housin for all the unemployed
Step 6: DUCK AND COVER!!!!!
Step 7: WATCH!!! A whole shitload of M&A will eventually come out of this (give it a yr or 2) with a helluva strong dollar AND another shit load of companies will buy themselves private due to the liquid to asset ratio they have. ALL of the overleveraged, triple-spined, quadruple jointed carnivorous companies will cannibalize themselves...(what's it called when someone eats himself?!??) and we will RESET the whole fuckin US fact, the whole GLOBAL economy bc a few other countries like China and Brazil will FEAST on the feebled toooo!!!!
Step 8: FIRE Obama's ridiculous staff and send him back to his all talk, no walk, unfit for accompanying nomads who don't understand that its pointless to walk an endless journey around in circles to find yourself when you're standing right fucking there...shit...look in a goddamn reflection once in a while...

Let's put it this way, just go find some shelter and a blanket cuz itll be a damn cold year and you'd better keep dem matches to start a fire instead of wastin them on candlez in the rain!! November 09 is setting up to be much worse than 08. (Sub-prime part 2).

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