Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Beginning

Of course...I've never been a blogger... And yet...everyone that I know of loves to blog. Whether they talk about a funny incident or thought-provoking antic, blogging has become the center of this now purely finger-based society. They tell stories about their individuality and how there isn't anyone one like me or perhaps how durr iz nun lik' mey or how anyone one like me there isn't... They tell stories in their blogs about how they ate at the coolest restaurant or about the latest craze in dating celebrities or about the craziest life-changing car accident they ever had. One moment, they post fake sexy, kissy-faced pics with their bffs and the next moment they bitch them out for stealing their lover. Whatever it is, a blog has become a vital place in society to say whatever you want about whatever you want and still be able to hide behind the iron curtain of obscurity that is your firewall. Moreover, you can choose who shall pass through the heavily guarded, password-protected gates of your blog to rescue it from being latched within a server's vault forever (or at least for the moment). But I digress...whatever you want your blog to be, it keeps your thoughts and holds your feelings. You choose what it says... You choose who to say it to... You choose how you want to live your life in this cybernetic space that only you control...

I choose to show you what you might not think of, what you might not know of, or just didn't want to hear...

I'm Shane. Enter at your own risque!